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Social Distancing, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccinations, Mandates, Aspersions, and the Church

The Christian Assembly, Omegan



To adopt, support, or enforce public measures, policies, ordinances, or laws, which determine that the lives of certain classes of people are to be sacrificed, in part or in whole, in exchange for the hope that the lives of other classes of people may be saved, we hold to be morally wrong. These latter classes include, but are not limited to, those which may have a greater likelihood of being victims in a pandemic, whether due to age or health conditions— or those which consider themselves to be more valuable— or those which disregard the value of others.

To require the wearing of masks, face coverings, or face shields, by people who are not known to be sick, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. Additionally, to say that such measures do not exact a substantial sacrifice is an argument which we contend to be false— and we observe that these requirements have had the effect of dividing the population into castes, the result being pride, debasement, resentment, anger, and violence.

To forcibly restrict the service, work, commerce, or the means of living, for people who are not known to be sick, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. These acts of service help people in need— and it is through work that one learns to serve, and to serve a purpose. We hold that these are necessary for the body, the soul, and the spirit; and we assert that to deny these— whether in exchange for basic income, or otherwise— constitutes an assault on God’s order as described in Genesis 3:19, resulting in grave harm.

To “lock down” people in their homes, or in camps, effectively imprisoning them, when they are not known to be sick, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. Every right which is granted to man by God, as well as every obligation, may be founded upon the ability to move about freely.

To restrict the freedom of association of people who are not known to be sick, including mandatory social distancing, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. Additionally, we believe that mandatory social distancing at distances of 6 feet, by 6 feet, by 6 feet, could arguably constitute conditioning for the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13— if it does not otherwise already satisfy this scripture in full. We hold that close personal associations are essential for life— without which, some people feel that life is not worth living. To those people, God is not far from you. If you will trust in him until the end, in the name of Jesus Christ, he will be your salvation.

To restrict the church gatherings of people who are not known to be sick, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. Such gatherings provide spiritual benefits that man is not qualified to measure or to cut off. They also provide basic support in a time of need, or is this not such a time?

To require medical procedures, vaccinations, shots, or jabs, for people who are not known to be sick, with the hope that their sacrifice may benefit others, we hold to be morally wrong. We contend that not everyone would be able to tolerate such interventions, whether physically or spiritually, and that everyone should have the liberty to seek guidance from God to decide which, or whether, any such measures should be taken upon themselves.

To require proof of compliance for any such measures, policies, ordinances, or laws, through vaccine passports or any other marks, whether applied universally, or as a condition of access to businesses or resources, public or private, including basic goods or services— especially food— we hold to be morally wrong. We also believe that such measures, where one cannot buy or sell without first demonstrating some mark of compliance, could arguably constitute conditioning for the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13— if they do not otherwise already satisfy this scripture in full. This is a warning for what is taken to be still evolving.

We hold that the question of whether any such measures are effective is irrelevant to the question of whether such measures are good, or just. The ends do not justify the means.

We hold that we should give forth the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God— and that many of these matters (if not all of them) do not belong to Caesar, but belong to God. We contend that God’s guidance is often given to each man, through the Holy Spirit, in faith, as he humbles himself and prays. Institutions of government, therefore, should not enact measures, policies, ordinances, or laws, which would interfere with this relationship. And following, we assert that the guidance of God can never be deemed to be an existential threat to society— and moreover— that no member of society possesses the superiority over another member, or over God, such that they may ever claim the right to set such guidance aside.

Many people will not consent to participate in any of these aforementioned measures, not willing to support any such policies which will sacrifice others in this way— because they do not so love their own lives, even unto death. And many of them will have prayed about all this, and will believe they are doing what God would have them do.

To then cast aspersions and demonize these people, describing them as evil, or extremists, or “the worst of the worst”, or to describe them as unclean, or responsible for the deaths caused by the virus, or to take actions to control their financial accounts, or to restrict their social media, or cut off their access to food, or basic comforts, or to imprison them, or to wish them dead, or to attack them physically, or electronically, or to “cancel” them, we hold to be morally wrong upon morally wrong. And how is attempting to cancel someone through electronic means different than to trying to murder someone through electronic means?

Jesus said,

"Do not judge, that you may not be judged. For in which [verdict of] judgment you judge, you will be judged; and in which measure you measure, it will be measured to you."

Matthew 7:1-2 en-US-OLT

With this in mind— to those who want other people to die: Is that the measure you will use?

Is that your final word?

But instead:

To put aside fear, and to not serve the interests of your own personal health, your security, your property, or your money— to put aside greed, and to not seek to accumulate wealth through endless emergency accommodations— to put aside the desire to be in control, and to not rise up over your neighbors and reduce their existence, their lives, and their livelihoods, to be little more than a transmission vector to be cut off— we hold this to be morally right.

To be subordinate to God, and to walk in his ways— to allow others their God-given personal liberties, that they may make their own determinations for their lives, and to follow their own consciences— where they may seek guidance from above, and then do as they are led, even when you perceive that this is somehow not to your benefit— we hold this to be morally right.

To allow people to work, and provide for themselves and their families— to hold their lives as having value, and to respect their rights— with the hope that any sacrifices which you may make will benefit others— we hold this to be morally right.

These things we contend to be true love. This is the same love in which Jesus Christ gave his life for us, having been beaten and then killed, sacrificing himself, so that we may be saved— his words now rightly echoing again. For it is this love for which he commanded us, saying,

"This is my command: That you love one another— down from as I loved you. Of this love, not one man has greater than this: That any man would put down his inbreathed-being over his friends."

John 15:12-13 en-US-OLT

But to do the opposite: To sacrifice other people for the benefit of oneself, and to give authority and power over to agencies that would move to mandate these sacrifices in mass— regarding those who would fall as being unlucky, or incompetent, or weak— we are not even sure if there is an appropriate word for that. What word is there that is the opposite of the highest love of God? And what response to this should there be?

This is a call to those who are, or were, involved in the adoption, support, or enforcement of any such measures, policies, ordinances, or laws. We encourage you to repent, and to turn to God. We then encourage you to seek guidance, healing, and protection for your body, your soul, and your spirit— from God, in the name of Jesus Christ. He is full of mercy and grace. And rather than setting your hearts in a lust to gain social advantage, we encourage the hearts of the fathers to be turned to their sons, and the hearts of the sons to be turned to their fathers— lest the lord should come and strike the earth in judgment.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider your role(s)— to put aside fear, and to take up faith, courage, and holiness. We encourage you to do the right thing, even though it may come at the cost of your life— taking up your cross, for the sake of your neighbor. We encourage you to set yourself apart from the world, and to God, in the name of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about that, you can find more information here:

To those who in these times are standing with God: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

The Christian Assembly, Omegan

The Lord Jesus Christ



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